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Minggu, 18 September 2011

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Rabu, 14 September 2011

Keyboard vs Piano

Di seluruh dunia ada jutaan orang yang ingin belajar bagaimana memainkan alat musik. Meskipun ada berbagai instrumen yang berbeda untuk dipilih, tapi saat yang paling "menegangkan'  adalah memutuskan apakah akan memainkan piano atau keyboard. Apapun pilihannya (minumannya teh botol sosro :-D ), mereka yang belajar bermain piano atau keyboard akan menemukan bahwa itu adalah keputusan yang tepat. Jadi apa perbedaan utama antara kedua alat musik yang sangat populer itu? Baca terus untuk mengetahuinya ya ...

Perbedaan pertama adalah jelas banget kelihatan, dalam ukuran instrumennya. Sebuah piano membutuhkan ruang lebih besar,  untuk bangku dan tempat duduk pemainnya. Sementara keyboard, dapat disimpan jika tidak sedang digunakan. Nah ini nih  alasan utama kenapa orang lebih memilih untuk belajar keyboard, daripada belajar bagaimana menguasai piano.

Selain perbedaan dalam ukuran, piano juga jauh lebih mahal daripada keyboard yang paling canggih sekalipun. Jadi, nabung dan berdoa saja ya klo pengen punya piano 'beneran", karena harga bekasnya aja tetap tinggi. (Mudah-mudahan ada yang ngasi GRATIS! Horeeee!!)

Tapi tenang teman,  kalo keyboard itu jauh lebih fleksibel daripada piano, malah memiliki berbagai sound yang bisa kita pilih sesuai selera. Juga mampu meniru warna suara instrumen lain yang paling sempurna sekalipun , termasuk piano pastinya. Keyboard bisa terdengar seperti piano, makanya banyak orang ingin mengambil instrumen ini terlebih dahulu, sebelum kemudian pindah ke piano. Ini adalah teknik yang memungkinkan orang untuk belajar piano dengan cepat, tanpa biaya awal untuk membeli salah satu instrumen besar (piano).

Banyak orang ingin bermain pada instrumen mereka sendiri, dan tidak harus bermain di tempat orang lain. Hal ini karena piano tidak portabel yang bisa dibawa kemana-mana. Contohnya saat les/privat piano di luar/sekolah musik, paling banter instrumen guru yang kita pakai gantian ( bener ga nih???).
Kalo keyboard sih fleksibel, mau dibawa kemana aja nurut, cuma ga bisa diajak becanda doang :-) .
Cara yang paling mudah adalah pelajaran piano online, yang memungkinkan kita untuk nyaman belajar bermain piano dari rumah sendiri. Positifnya, yang belajar bermain piano online sering menemukan diri mereka berkembang lebih cepat dari yang lain, dan juga tidak harus membayar jumlah besar untuk pelajaran piano untuk pemula atau pianobooks, karena semua yang dipelajari bisa langsung nonton di DVD kursus.

Yang menyenangkan bahwa keyboard adalah instrumen yang jauh lebih 'ramah lingkungan', terutama jika kita pengen belajar sepanjang malam. Hal ini karena keyboard akan selalu memiliki pilihan untuk penggunaan headphone. Oleh karena itu, orang lain bisa tetap tidurr , sementara kita tetap belajar bermain keyboard untuk 'mempraktekkan' isi hati.. Piano jelas tidak memiliki fitur ini, karena piano tidak listrik dan tidak ada tempat untuk colokan headset.

Perbedaan besar lainnya antara keyboard dan piano, suara yang dihasilkan saat kita menekan tuts. Feel nya beda aja pada saat menekan tuts, di piano kita bisa lebih merasakan 'sentuhannya'. Ini berhubungan dengan TUTS nya ya. Contohnya, coba kita tekan tuts instrumen (keyboard) yang berbeda, entah yang berhubungan dengan merek, type, dll. Kita pasti akan merasakan perbedaan saat kita menekan tuts nya, ada yang terasa keras, lembut, nyangkut - nyangkut, atau apalah gitu.
Piano is the great deh klo soal 'sentuhan' dan 'rasanya'. Bikin klepek-klepek :-) yah maklum aja, musisi itu bermain di area HATI soalnya.

Perbedaan final antara dua instrumen ini adalah kualitas suara yang dihasilkan, dengan piano biasanya dianggap sangat unggul di 'wilayah' ini. Bahkan, piano dapat mengisi seluruh ruang dengan nada melodi, sementara keyboard seringkali perlu kudu diperkuat. Ini berarti bahwa mereka yang ingin membuat musik yang indah biasanya lebih memilih untuk menggunakan piano lebih daripada keyboard.  Nah, sekarang mulai deh belajar piano!

Seperti kita lihat, ada sejumlah perbedaan antara dua instrumen musik terebut, tapi satu hal tetap sama di antara mereka.  Fakta bahwa belajar untuk bermain dengan baik salah satu instrumen tadi,  akan menjadi pengalaman yang sangat memuaskan bagi siapa saja.

Plan My Baby - Baby Gender Selection - Prince or Princess?

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Sexual Positions For Gender Selection

 If you want to try to increase the chances of having a boy or a girl, sometimes it all comes down to how you do it – literally. While there is no 100% method that will guarantee that you can select the gender of your child, there are specific positions that you can try that will increase the likelihood of selecting the gender.
This works for a variety of different reasons, but is based in the fact that the two kinds of chromosomes that are responsible for gender selection are carried by sperm that are very different. The Y chromosome is responsible for conceiving a boy. The sperm that carry this chromosome are small, quick and able to cover the distance to the egg very rapidly. The downside is they don't live very long and if they have to swim too far, they won't be able to complete their journey successfully.
The X chromosome sperm are responsible for conceiving a girl. These sperm are much larger, and move quite a bit slower. However, they live a lot longer and have more endurance when it comes to reaching the egg.
Here's what you need to know when it comes to picking positions to pick gender.
How to Have a Boy
Because the Y sperm need a little extra help in reaching their destination before they expire, positions that allow deep penetration are essential. The goal is to have the man orgasm as closely as possible to the neck of the cervix. This reduces the amount of time that the sperm will need to spend getting to the egg.
Positions that allow for this to occur include woman dominant, or woman on top as well as its other variation, commonly called Reverse Cowgirl. In these positions, the woman is astride the man and can control how deeply he penetrates her. At the moment of orgasm, the woman should allow the man inside as deeply as possible.
There are a few other positions as well, but the important thing to remember is that the deeper the penetration at the moment of orgasm, the more likely you are to have a boy.
How to Have a Girl
If you would prefer to have a girl, the proper positions involve much shallower penetration. The X sperm are much more durable and need a little more time to reach the egg, allowing the Y sperm to die off before they get there. This means that the man should orgasm as far away from the neck of the cervix as possible.
Positions for shallow penetration include missionary, spooning and the lotus position where the couple wrap their legs around each other while sitting. The positions do not allow for deep penetration and the desired result of increasing the likelihood of having a girl can be achieved.
Don't Forget
There is one more thing to remember when choosing a position for choosing gender. If you do want to have a boy, it is important that the woman orgasm before the man. This changes the PH near the cervix, making it more hospitable to the Y sperm. The opposite is true if you want to have a girl.


Pregnancy Miracle - Cure Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally

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How to get pregnant naturally

Infertility may be broadly defined as the inability to get pregnant after trying for at least one year without using any birth control. In Western countries, infertility affects an estimated 15% of the population. While a part of them are trying to conceive using alternative methods like IVF, others prefer to optimize the chances of getting pregnant naturally. Trying to get pregnant naturally may be very important, since many couples and individuals who are diagnosed with infertility may be able to get pregnant without treatment (and hence should be defined as "subfertile" rather than "infertile").

When trying to get pregnant naturally, the most important factor is to understand the menstrual cycle and the timing of ovulation, which leads to the optimum chances of getting impregnated. Usually, ovulation occurs around the fourteenth day, and hence, to get pregnant naturally, a couple should have as much sexual intercourse as possible between the twelfth and the fifteenth day. Different women have slightly varying menstrual cycles.Hence, to improve the chances of becoming pregnant, it is imperative to study one's periods, and calculate exactly when one ovulates.

Determining the signs of ovulation.

To check for the right timings of ovulation, a woman can do one, or many, of the following things:

. Keep a calendar. Keeping a calendar to chart the days is an easy and effective method to determine the right time to have sexual intercourse.

. Keep a check on vaginal fluids. Mucus discharge from the vagina usually becomes heavier, thinner, clearer and stretchy during ovulation when compared to the usual times.

. Feel the inside of the vagina. During ovulation, the cervix is softer and slightly more open than usual.

. Keep tabs on any sharp pain in the abdomen. Sharp pains in the abdomen, or some slight spotting, may be indicative of ovulation.

. Other physical conditions. Headaches, bloating, breast tenderness and pain may be signs of ovulation.

Having checked for ovulation, there are some other things that an individual can do to increase the chances of getting pregnant naturally. These include lying still for a while after having sexual intercourse, avoiding the bathroom for about thirty minutes after having sexual intercourse, and most importantly, figuring out how many times one should have sexual intercourse.

Men often neglect their own part to play in this whole scenario. The sperms need to be of the correct constitution, correct shape and correct motility too, or else, however fertile the women may be, impregnation does not occur naturally. A way of ensuring that the sperms are undamaged is by wearing boxers instead of briefs. Boxers help in keeping the testicles from overheating and damaging sperms.

For both women and men, the anatomical and hormonal factors are not the only ones to be monitored and corrected. In most cases, failure to conceive may result from an improper diet, undue stress, the use of drugs like alcohol and nicotine, and even environmental factors such as proximity to harmful doses of pesticides. Abstinence from such factors goes a long way in ensuring a pregnancy.

One should always keep in mind that the holistic approach to solving a problem is the optimal way to tackle infertility. Getting regular health checkups, taking supplements to combat existing problem, exercising and stress reduction techniques are only part of the holistic solution to infertility which considers the problem as part of a whole unlike the conventional approach which tackles a specific body organ in its attempt to heal. The holistic approach is not only a surefire way to increase your chances of conception it also guarantees a safe and healthy pregnancy.

This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website:
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